New Membership App

The Casa Rondeña App is downloadable now and we'd love to help you make the change.
This interface is designed to make wine club more relevant in your everyday life. You'll be able to update your credit card and personal information, access your billing history, book events, gain club access and see newsletters all in one place.
Here's what to do:
To sign-up for our new app you can use the steps below, or join us on Saturdays to get an in-person walkthrough with Membership Manager, Erin Freisinger: (505) 344-5911  |
This will allow you to update your billing information, access past transactions, book events, and see current happenings all in one place.
Wine Club App Instructions
Both people on your membership should go to the App store and search "Casa Rondeña" and download the app with our logo
Open the App and click "register" in the bottom right corner
Enter your information with a unique email for each person (Do not click on a membership type. We will link your membership through the back end)
Once in the app, click the person icon which will bring you to your personal information
Click payments and add a billing method. Doing so this way, will ensure you are not double billed.
Click the picture in the top right and add a photo of yourself
You're all set!
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