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French Nights ~ Vive le Québec et la poutine!

We'll talk about the French-speaking province of Québec, while we sample the quintessential Québecois cuisine, the sublime poutine! For those who don't know, poutine translates as "cheesy fries with gravy!"

French Nights ~ Jouons à la pétanque!

Learn the rules, vocabulary, history and etiquette of pétanque, also called les boules, and play a bit to get the feel of it! Open to all levels! Enjoy the beautiful winery and gorgeous grounds, while sipping an award winning local wine in good company!

French Nights – Les montgolfières!

Les montgolfières! Albuquerque’s Balloon Fiesta is the world’s largest, and we owe it all to the French, specifically les frères Montgolfier, who invented the globe aerostatique in the 1780’s. Come learn a bit of the early history and French vocabulary of ballooning!

French Nights – L’oeuf, la quiche, et le menu

L’oeuf, la quiche, et le menu. Starting from the most fundamental French ingredient, the egg, we’ll look at quiches and egg dishes in French cooking, as well as some French food and menu terms. Come learn how to order un oeuf à la coque, une omelette baveuse, or quiche lorraine with confidence and panache!